YMC-Triart C8 Capillary Guard Columns

Decreased Hydrophobicity

YMC-Triart C8 is a novel, multi-layered, organic/inorganic hybrid particle synthesized with C8 (L7 USP designation).  C8 is an alternative to the more widely-used C18 chemistry, and is of lower hydrophobicity than C18.  C8’s lesser retention may help shorten total analysis times in separations of compounds with large differences in hydrophobicity without requiring gradient elution.

Triart Hybrid Advantages

The core material for all of the YMC-Triart products – the particle – is inspired by YMC’s flow chemistry technology.  Inherent in YMC’s process is a high level of temperature and particle formation control.  As a result, Triart particles are consistent, reproducible, and scalable across many particle sizes.  The hybrid Triart particles produce a material that is highly resilient and robust when used at extreme pH and elevated temperature.  In addition, these particles are very stable under mechanical stress such as high pressure.  YMC-Triart C8 can be used at temperatures up to 70⁰C at pH 1-7, and 50⁰C from pH 7-12.  This allows the chromatographer to be more confident when choosing suitable separation conditions and less worried about the limitations of stationary phase ruggedness.


Features & Benefits – Capillary Guard Columns

Guard columns are recommended for challenging matrices or for use as trapping columns.  YMC capillary guard columns are connected directly to the analytical column using the supplied column coupler.

A column coupler is supplied with every pack of YMC capillary guard cartridges to guarantee an optimum connection with low dead volume.  A polymer-based (PCTFE) coupler is provided for 1/16” columns, while a stainless steel coupler is provided for 1/32” columns.  Additional couplers can be purchased separately if required.

Product List

Product Table

Please select the desired particle size to view a list of products.


