Other Applications
Purification and separation are our specialties
Ever-increasing regulatory and consumer demand for great product purity drives manufacturers to seek technologies that can help them sustain their leadership or offer new, higher-value products. As new products emerge, so must analytical insights that accompany the development and manufacturing process.
Products such as naturals and nutraceuticals benefit from YMC’s fine-separations technology suite and experience. Already proven in the rigorous and highly regulated field of pharmaceuticals, YMC columns, phases, and systems are ready solutions to a full range of purification problems and analytical needs across many industries.
Use our Applications Search page to mine our collection of over 350 YMC-produced application notes to explore our experience in your field. If you don’t find your application in the database, contact us, and we’ll have one of our application scientists or process engineers research our 40-year history of work for you.

Application Search
Use our extensive Applications Search page to mine a dynamically growing collection of over 350 YMC-produced application notes.
The data can be searched by any combination of several variables, including sample classification, compound name (including partial names), and column parameters.