YMC America, Inc. Provides Preparative Chromatography Expertise
At YMC America, Inc., we are currently running our YMC 2017 Semi-Prep Column Special, and with this offer, you can buy c18 columns and many other semi-prep column configurations at a low price.
We are a global player that provides creative solutions for preparative scale chromatography, efficient customer service, and worldwide product availability. Since 1980, chromatographers have been depending on our expertise from the lab, to pilot, and on into production. We offer an extensive range of chemistries, high-performance spherical bulk silica, unique hybrid silica materials, prepacked columns from 0.075 mm i.d. Up to 300 mm i.d., and much more!
Our team is committed to lending our preparative chemistry expertise to our clients. We offer a wide variety of prep chemistries, which includes the following:
YMC Triart Prep – These preparative scale hybrid phases are available in many particle sizes. Scalable from UHPLC up to prep, YMC Triart Prep is available in five bonded chemistries up to 20 micron particle size. This chemistry is mechanically durable, pH resilient, and base washable.
YMC* HG Media for Reversed Phase and Normal Phase – A widely-used line of packing materials that offer the same selectivity as older YMC Gels but has better mechanical stability. HG media are available in 10, 15, 20 and 50 micron is 120, 200 and 300 angstrom pore size.
YMC BioPro IEX – These SAX and SCX materials deliver excellent dynamic binding capacity, high recovery, and low nonspecific adsorption. These phases are ideal for proteins, peptides, mAb’s, and other biomolecule separations. Columns and packings are offered in porous and non-porous beads in 3. 5, 6, 10, 20, 30 and 75 micron particles in column and bulk formats.
YMC Chiral Art – YMC also offer derivatized Amylose and Cellulose silica based chiral phases that come in columns up to 300 mm I.D. Chiral Art phases are available in coated and immobilized particles in 3, 5, 10, and 20 micron particles in column formats. 10 and 20 micron particles are also offered as bulk resins.
Anyone interested in learning more about our preparative chromatography expertise or wants to buy high-performance liquid chromatography products online should call us at 610-266-8652 or visit https://www.ymcamerica.com/ for more information.
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